Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Indian Talking Sticks

Today we made Indian talking sticks in class.

The talking stick is an instrument of aboriginal democracy used by many tribes. The talking stick is passed around a group or used only by leaders as a symbol of their authority and right to speak in public. In a tribal council circle, a talking stick is passed around from member to member allowing only the person holding the stick to speak. This enables all those present at a council meeting to be heard, especially those who may be shy. Talking sticks have high ceremonial and spiritual value, and have proved to be exceedingly useful during current implementations (Wikipedia, 2015)

We will be using our talking sticks within the classroom as a tool to help us follow the Golden Rules (we listen, we work hard and we are kind and respectful) by respecting the person who has the class talking stick and is talking.

All materials were provided to the children. However, to help make our talking sticks more personal children brought along a small token to identify their own stick. For example, an old necklace, beads, odd earrings or old coins. 

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