Saturday, 28 February 2015

Stations of the Cross

We are learning about Lent so on Friday we went and had a tour of the Stations of the Cross over at the Church. We walked around the Church looking at each of the 14 stations and learnt what happened at each one.

The 14 stations are:

1. Christ is condemned to death.
2. The cross is laid upon him.
3. Jesus has His first fall.
4. Jesus meets His Blessed Mother. 
5. Simon of Cyrene is made to bear the cross. 
6. Jesus' face is wiped by Veronica. 
7. Jesus falls a second time.  
8. Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem. 
9. Jesus falls a third time. 
10. Jesus is stripped of His garments. 
11. Jesus is crucified. 
12. Jesus dies on the cross. 
13. Jesus body is taken down from the cross.  
14. Jesus is laid in the tomb.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

In Room 5 we work hard

This week ERO has been in the school and we have been able to show them how hard we can work. We have had a big focus on writing recounts and have also been doing lots of work on our statistics unit. This week for Golden Time we are having electronics, toys and games.

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Pass It

On Friday we started Go4It and had our first 'Pass It' session. We were learning how to chest pass, bounce pass and catch a netball. Miss Wallace was very impressed with our skills. 

Monday, 9 February 2015

Gospel Value - Speaking with gentleness

This week our Gospel Value is speaking with gentleness. At assembly on Monday the students from Room 1 performed some scenarios demonstrating how we could speak with gentleness when someone wants to join in with our game, when a classmate is upset or if we are angry.

We then discussed in class how speaking with gentleness helps us to follow the Golden Rule of we are kind and respectful.

In Room 5 we speak with gentleness when we:
Speak softly - without raising our voices or shouting
Speak carefully - We think before we speak (especially when we are frustrated or angry)

A gentle answer turns anger away. But mean words stir up anger.
- Proverbs 15:1

Friday, 6 February 2015

First week back

We have had a great first week back at school. It has been cool getting to know our new classmates. We have really enjoyed going out for games and doing fun activities in class. On Wednesday we also had our opening school Mass. We look forward to getting stuck in to school work next week. :)

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Welcome to Room 5 for 2015

At St Joseph's Catholic School we love sharing the brilliant learning our students are doing. The aim for using a class blog is to bring our classroom to you our parents. With this blog, you will be able to follow our learning journey throughout the year. Our challenge is to post regularly. Through our class blogs, our classroom becomes open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for parents and whanau to check out their child's learning. This is great if you are a busy parent who doesn't get into school as often as you'd like. The class blog is also a wonderful way to showcase and celebrate our students' learning to a global audience.